Why Build an Email List?

There are many reasons, but let’s look at seven reasons why its important for the small brick and mortar business.
On of the most important reasons is
1. Capturing Visitors – You’ve put tons of work and or money into your website. If you’re not capturing visitors, they’re coming and going, possibly never to return again. If you capture their information, you can keep in contact with them and build the relationship.
Here are three more reasons you need an email list.
2. Staying on Their Minds – Most of your potential customers or clients won’t be ready to buy from you right now. Through email marketing, you can stay on their minds through your email autoresponders and broadcast messages. Then, when they are ready or in need, they’ll look back for your emails or remember your website and they’ll order from you.
3. Build Relationships – It’s simply not humanly possible to connect one-on-one with all your prospects and customers the way you can with an email system. The great thing is, if you set it up right your message can SEEM very customized and personal even when they ARE completely automated.
4. Constantly Build Your Business – New prospects can be signing up to your email list automatically, every day, without your help or involvement. This is a way to be constantly building your business, automatically.
Now you may be thinking this is going to take too much time. But with and auto-responder once you get it set up it doesn’t take that much time and it is something you can outsource too.
Two benefits of an autoresponder are
5. Automatically Follow-Up – An email list allows you to multiply your time in a way that would require a cloning machine! With autoresponders you can have a follow-up system in place that makes sales for you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
6. Save Yourself Time – Instead of sharing your message one on one, over and over again, you can now reach one to many. This is going to not only save yourself time but also leverage your time into long-term profits.
The end result of all these efforts is to
7. Increase Your Sales – Of course the goal here isn’t just to be awesome (though that’s a good goal in itself). What you’re really looking for in an increase in sales and profits. An email list can deliver you an increase in sales.
Unfortunately many people get discouraged and give up too soon. Yes, email marketing starts out slow, but don’t give up! Even those with hundreds of thousands on their lists – started with one subscriber, then two, then ten. Yes it takes time and yes it can be frustrating waiting for the rewards but be patient and diligent, and you will see your efforts pay off over time.